All Saints Church of England (VA) Infant School

All Saints Church of England (VA) Infant School

Love to Learn and Learn to Love

Welcome to

All Saints Church of England (VA) Infant School

  1. About Us
  2. Parents information
  3. Classes
  4. Kingfisher Class



In Year 1 our aim is to ensure that the children experience a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage to Key Stage One.

The Year 1 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that children have had in Reception.  Learning through play continues to be an important part of the school day, and the children are gradually eased into more formal learning as the year goes on so that they remain motivated, enthused and eager learners.  The emphasis is on developing children into successful, lifelong learners through teaching key learning skills as well as knowledge.

The Kingfishers teaching Team are: 


             Mrs Morgan (Mon-Wed)             Mrs Sedgwick (Thu/Fri)                   Mrs Allen




The class reps are:  



Theme Web for Summer Term 2  - Epic Journeys



Theme Web for Summer Term 1  - Backpacks



Theme web for Spring Term 2 - Up, up and away



Theme web for Spring Term 1 - Bonkers about Books



Theme Web for Autumn Term 2 - Trip Trap, Trip Trap



Theme web for Autumn Term 1 - This is Your Life