All Saints Church of England (VA) Infant School

All Saints Church of England (VA) Infant School

Love to Learn and Learn to Love

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All Saints Church of England (VA) Infant School

  1. About Us
  2. Parent View

Parent View

"My child is very happy at All Saints and loves going to school. Happy child, happy parent!" (Year 1 parent)

"My child has settled quickly and is very happy and positive about school" (Year R parent) 

"A massive thank you to you all for an excellent afternoon at church yesterday! It was a superb occasion and  could not be beaten! The setting was perfect and made so special with the Christingle afterwards." Nativity 2022

"I really enjoyed seeing the school and was very impressed. Please pass my thanks on to Sara for her time. She was very generous with it! I have also read the Ofsted as she suggested. It is fantastic. I think All Saints offers something unique and very special. It’s a really lovely school and we would be privileged to get a place there for our children." 

"I would just like to email to say thank you again for the fabulous open morning today, it was an absolute privilege to be led around by you and hear you talk about your school with such passion and enthusiasm. As I said this morning, All Saints is absolute top of our list without question. It seems like it would be an environment that our son would totally flourish and excel in, and one where he would be nutured to the best of his ability." 

"The Nativity was amazing! It was such a fantastic, fun, beautiful and lively - but also quite moving Nativity and Christingle service. It was just lovely. It must have been a huge amount of work putting it all together but all the hard work paid off as it was just brilliant."